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The assistance provided shall, as far as possible, be appropriate to the particular needs of the individual passenger.

Royal Jordanian takes full account of internationally recognised policies and codes of conduct concerning facilitation of the transport of disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006, including the ECAC Code of Good Conduct in Ground Handling for Persons with Reduced Mobility.

We recommend that all of our customers make their reservations as far in advance as possible. You may request special assistance on RJ flights when making reservations through your Travel Agent and through RJ offices; if your reservation was booked on a website, you may make arrangements for special assistance by contacting RJ offices


  • Content of Accessibility plan:


  1. General
  2. Information and communication technologies (ICT)
  3. Communication, other than ICT
  4. Procurement of goods, services and facilities
  5. Design and delivery of programs and services
  6. Transportation
  7. Built environment
  8. Provisions of CTA accessibility-related regulations
  9. Consultations.



Royal Jordanian customer service and call center are available to assist  our passengers 24/7.

For further inquiries please contact Mrs. Hanan Izmiqna at her contact details below:

Email addresses: customer.services@rj.com / ibesupport@rj.com / rj.callcenter@rj.com

Phone number: +962 6 5202529 / +962795032006

mailing address: 5thCircle, Mohd Ali Janah St. Building # 37, p.o box:302 - 11118,  Amman- Jordan.


Information and communication technologies (ICT);

  • information communication is provided digitally via website and mobile technology, such as, notifications, emails, social media posts, e-shots, SMS.
  • as for offline marketing, radio, TV and outdoor advertisements are utilized as communication tool.


Communication, other than ICT;

  • All information related to travel is available in an electronic format either on RJ’s Website or mobile app, in compatibility with adaptive technology.
  • Providing alternative means of communication via call center, e-concierge, email, social media accounts and direct messages (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) , etc.
  • RJ’s website is available and accessible to all people.

  • Public announcements in terminals are provided in both audio and visual formats in all passenger service areas inside terminals.
  • Public announcements are of a good quality, in plain language, with clear enunciation and spoken slowly enough to be easily understood.
  • our outstations are currently undergoing ATDPR training to handle passengers with disabilities.
  • Our cockpits and cabin crew  undergo training covering Air carries Access Act.


Procurement of goods, services and facilities;

  • Procurement ensures accessible air travel by sourcing products, services, and technologies that meet accessibility standards for passengers with disabilities. This could involve acquiring accessible Equipment and selecting assistive devices and services.




  • Procurement involves acquiring assistive devices and services that enhance the travel experience for passengers with disabilities. This could range from boarding ramps and wheelchairs to communication tools for those with hearing impairments.


  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility: Ensuring that airline websites, apps, and kiosks are accessible to all passengers is essential. Procurement teams collaborate with RJ IT and IT vendors to procure technologies that adhere to accessibility guidelines, making it easier for travelers to book flights, check-in, and receive information.


  • Training and Awareness Programs: Procurement also plays a role in sourcing training programs for airline and airport staff. These programs help employees understand the needs of passengers with disabilities and provide appropriate assistance, creating a more welcoming environment for all travelers.


  • Accessible Ground Transportation: Procurement teams work with transportation providers, such as shuttle services, to ensure that the vehicles they offer are accessible to passengers with disabilities. This includes vehicles equipped with ramps, lifts, and appropriate seating arrangements.


  • Ground Handling Equipment: Procurement teams source ground handling equipment, such as passenger lifts and boarding ramps, that enable passengers with mobility challenges to embark and disembark from aircraft safely. This equipment needs to meet accessibility standards and be readily available for use at airports.


  • Assistance Services: Procurement involves securing assistance services for passengers with disabilities. This includes wheelchairs and guiding visually impaired passengers.


  • Contracting Ground Handling Companies: Procurement teams collaborate with ground handling companies to ensure that their services align with accessibility requirements. This involves contracting companies that have a track record of providing excellent service to passengers with disabilities and that have trained staff members who understand the unique needs of these passengers.

In summary, procurement is intricately involved in ensuring accessible air travel by sourcing and acquiring a range of products and services that cater to passengers with disabilities


Design and delivery of programs and services;

*medical certificates for fitness to travel:

  • A medical certificate is a written statement from the passenger’s physician saying that the passenger is capable of completing the flight without requiring extraordinary medical care during the flight.
  • To be valid, a medical certificate under must be dated within 10 days of the scheduled date of the passenger’s initial departing flight, and to be approved by the Medical Department/advisor of Royal Jordanian.
  • As a carrier, it may be required that a passenger with a medical certificate undergo additional medical review if there is a legitimate medical reason for believing that there has been a significant adverse change in the passenger's condition since the issuance of the medical certificate or that the certificate significantly understates the passenger's risk to the health of other persons on the flight.
  • If the results of this medical review demonstrate that the passenger, notwithstanding the medical certificate, is likely to be unable to complete the flight without requiring extraordinary medical assistance (e.g., the passenger has apparent significant difficulty in breathing, appears to be in substantial pain, etc.) or would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons on the flight, an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence to ascertain the nature , duration and severity of disease.


*Medical Clearance is required for:


  1. Who requires a stretcher on board.
  2. Who needs medical oxygen during the flight.
  3. Whose medical condition poses reasonable doubt concerning the ability to complete flight safety procedures without being provided extraordinary medical assistance during the flight.
  4. If passenger has a communicable disease or condition that could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others on the flight.
  5. Who, because of certain diseases, or disability may have or develop an unusual behavior or physical condition, which may endanger or be a potential hazard to the safety of the flight, health, or materially affect the comfort of other passengers or crew.
  6. Would require medical attention and/or special equipment to maintain their health during the flight.
  7. Who have undergone recent complicated surgeries.
  8. Passenger with complicated fracture.
  9. Passenger with temporary loss of sight or hearing.
  10. Intellectual disability/cerebral palsy
  11. Traveling with a battery-powered respirator or ventilator, or Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POCs) where medical clearance is necessary.
  12. Passengers having both severe vision and hearing impairment.


Medical Clearance Issuing Procedure


  1. Passengers with certain medical conditions that require individual attention are required to submit their recent updated medical reports/certificate from the treating responsible doctor in addition to RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF”.
  2. RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF” must be filled completely by Passenger treating physician along with the recent diagnosis report 10 days prior to departure along with a recent medical report.
  3. RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF” shall be presented to Royal Jordanian Medical Advisor to obtain a Medical Clearance/Approval.



  • Royal Jordanian can deny transportation to passengers needing medical clearance, unless they meet the requirements of Royal Jordanian
  • In all cases, Royal Jordanian doctor (or a designated official representative) will make this assessment and provide a written statement to the person within ten (10) calendar days of the refusal of transportation.
  • In order to obtain such clearance, medical information must be provided and transmitted when seats are requested on the flight of another airline. Additionally, when an airline receiving a request for travel has reasonable grounds for doubt about the passenger's disability, such airline shall require medical information for clearance purposes.
  • The booking airline reservations office is responsible for coordinating the replies obtained from all carrying airlines, and for finalizing the entire transaction.
  • If the passenger accepts all of the conditions and charges, the booking airline shall finalize the transaction with the office in contact with the passenger
  • If the passenger does not accept, or if any modifications are required to existing arrangements, the booking airline shall be responsible for appropriate action. 


*Safety assistant-Escort:

RJ must not require that a passenger with a disability travel with another person as a condition of being provided air transportation, Except as follows:

  1. Generally, passengers who are not able to reach an emergency exit without assistance in reasonable time shall be escorted. Escort shall be physically and mentally able and willing to evacuate the disable passenger in case of an emergency.
  2. Royal Jordanian may require a passenger with a disability in one of the following categories to travel with a safety assistant as a condition of being provided air transportation, if you determine that a safety assistant is essential for safety:


a. A passenger traveling in a stretcher or incubator. The safety assistant for such a person must be capable of attending to the passenger's in-flight medical needs;

b. A passenger who, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions from carrier personnel, including the safety briefing required by FAA , 14 CFR Part 382, or the safety regulations of Jordanian government, as applicable;

c. A passenger with a mobility impairment so severe that the person is unable to physically assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft

d. A passenger who has both severe hearing and severe vision impairments, if the passenger cannot establish some means of communication with RJ personnel that is adequate both to permit transmission of the safety briefing required by FAA , 14 CFR Part 382, and the safety regulations of a Jordanian government, as applicable, and to enable the passenger to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in the event of an emergency.



  • Escorts will be given seats immediately adjacent to the passenger they are escorting. 
  • any differences of opinion among participating airlines about the need or qualification of an escort must be resolved by the medical section concerned.

*PRM limitations

There is no restriction on the number of passengers with disability that can be carried, except where required for safety reasons or if applicable government safety regulations limit such numbers.


*PRM seat assignment

PRM shall not normally be restricted to any particular cabin or seating areas. They shall not be allocated; neither occupy seats where their presence could:

  1. Impede the emergency evacuation of aircraft.
  2. Impede access to the emergency exits.
  3. Impede crews in their duties
  4. Obstruct access to emergency equipment


Pre-reserved Seating


  • Pre-reserved seating is open 240 days and up to 36 hours prior to departure on RJ operating flights up to 60% of aircraft capacity. There are certain seats that are restricted for the use of mothers traveling with infants, stretchers, unaccompanied minors.
  • In case of schedule changes that involve airplane or in case of seat map change, your preserved seats will be reallocated to the location initially reserved. However, as airplane seat layouts may differ, no guarantees are offered to re-allocating your pre-reserved seating to the same row/location.
  • Pre-reserved seats (if no airplane or seat map changes occur) are held until the minimum check-in time per Airport/cabin-of-travel/route. Seats are cancelled if Passengers do not Check-in MIN 60 MINS on US flights and 45 MINS on other flights prior to scheduled departure For passengers with a disability traveling with another passenger that is assisting them in-flight
  • as a safety or care attendant, seats may be arranged side-by-side.
  • If you are traveling with a fixed or immobilized leg, it is preferable to notify us as early as possible so that we can pre-reserve the most appropriate left or right aisle or window seat for your comfort.


Emergency Exit Seats


  • In the interest of safety, emergency exit seats and emergency exit locations should not be occupied by passengers that are unable to carry emergency procedures when required to do so by cabin attendants.
  • Children/infants/ pregnant/senior citizen/passengers-with-disabilities and passengers accompanying children/infants are not permitted to be seated at emergency exits seats or emergency exit location.


Bulkhead seats


  • An advance seat assignment may be arranged for any passenger traveling with a disability; please identify your seating preference when you make your reservation or at check-in.
  • On the day of departure, Passengers with a fixed or immobilized leg may identify their request for bulkhead seats, left or right aisle seats, in order to be give priority for them over other passengers that are not accompanied with infants.



We have wheelchairs available for use at airport locations.

Request this service when making reservations or upon arrival at the airport notify one of our passenger services personnel that you require a wheelchair for transportation to the departure gate.

  • Wheelchair for Ramp (WCHR) - Passenger can walk but requires wheelchair for distance to/from departure gate
  • Wheelchair for Stairs (WCHS) - Sometimes stairways are used for boarding instead of jet ways and loading bridges. If you are unable to ascend or descend steps, let us know, and we will provide an alternative boarding method.
  • Wheelchair for Cabin (WCHC) - Passengers needs wheel chair to/from cabin seat and lounge (WCHC)


Wheelchair Handling


1.Royal Jordanian aircraft are equipped with specially designed wheelchairs for mobility-impaired customers referred to as “Aisle Wheelchairs” that can be used to assist disabled passengers in boarding, moving to/from the lavatory and deplaning an airplane.


2.Passengers requiring an onboard wheelchair to be used in-flight, should request this service from reservation at least 48 hours prior to departure.


3.Royal Jordanian shall endeavor to make available at all stations, wheelchairs for boarding/disembarking purposes and within airport facilities, before departure, during intermediate stops and on arrival.


4.Passengers who intend to check-in their own wheelchair shall be given the option of using a station/airport wheelchair. If the passengers prefer to use their own wheelchair within the airport, they should be permitted to use it up to the aircraft door




  • These special wheelchairs (Aisle Wheelchairs) cannot be used outside aircraft, but arrangements can be made for an airport chair at disembarkation or any connecting point.

  • Our flight attendants are trained to assist you with operating this wheelchair to and from airplane lavatories but they will not provide any assistance inside the lavatory or lift and carry you.


Transportation and Stowage of Personal Wheelchairs


  1. Storage facilities for passengers traveling with their own wheelchairs are not available in the cabin of Royal Jordanian aircraft. Therefore, the wheelchair or assistive device will be loaded in the baggage compartments with priority over other cargo and baggage, where it is easily accessible for timely return to the passenger.
  2. Royal Jordanian accept stowage of the following types of personal wheelchairs, mobility aids and other assistive devices in the cargo compartment if these items fit in the baggage compartment and are in consistent with FAA, PHMSA, TSA or applicable foreign government requirements concerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respect to the stowage of items in the baggage compartment need be transported:

  a. Folding, collapsible, and non-folding manual wheelchairs

  b. Electric/battery-powered wheelchairs provided that spillable batteries can be disconnected and packed in compliance with IATA

Dangerous Goods Manual and FAA or PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) and TSA (Transportation Security Administration) safety and security regulations. (Refer to Passenger Handling Manual section 2.5.5 - Handling of Power Driven Wheelchairs as Checked Baggage).

3. Royal Jordanian shall provide for the checking and timely return of passengers' wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and other assistive devices as close as possible to the door of the aircraft, so that passengers may use their own equipment to the extent possible, except:

  a. Where this practice would be inconsistent with Local regulations governing transportation security or the transportation of hazardous materials

b. When the passenger requests the return of the items at the baggage claim area instead of at the door of the aircraft.


*personal electronic respiratory assistive devices

1.   Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs)

2.   Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices (CPAP)

3.   Respirators/Ventilators

4.   Oxygen Services Supplied by Royal Jordanian


The above FAA-approved personal electronic respiratory assistive devices are allowed to be carried and used in cabin provided that:

  1. Passenger is having sufficient battery supply to last for 1.5 times the flight duration. The extra batteries carried onboard must be packed in accordance with safety regulations (Positive and Negative Terminals of the battery must not be in contact and should be stored in separate plastic bags).
  2. Having a manufacturer label stating that it complies with applicable FAA requirements for portable electronic medical devices.


Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs):


  • A Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to a patient at substantially concentration than the level of ambient air. It makes it easy for the patient to travel freely.
  • Passengers require using POCs onboard need medical approval of RJ Medical department/advisor before traveling.
  • Portable Oxygen Concentrators such as those mentioned below are approved for air travel and use in the aircraft cabin by the FAA:

- AirSep LifeStyle - RTCA sticker required

- AirSep FreeStyle

- AirSep Free Style 5

- AirSep FOCUS

- Inogen One

- Inogen G2

- Inogen One G3

- Invo Labs LifeChoice Activeox

- Oxlife Independence

- Precision Medical EasyPluse

- SeQual Eclipse models 1, 2 and 3


  • Regulations forbid the carriage of personal oxygen units that contain compressed or liquid oxygen, as they are classified as Hazardous Materials.


Travel Requirements and Restrictions

To travel using a POC, passenger must have a signed, written statement from physician clarifying their need for this item. This written statement must be kept with him/her at all times during their journey.

Prior to boarding, the passenger must present the Physician's written statement to an airline representative to ensure:


  1. The passenger is able to operate the POC and recognize and respond appropriately to its alarm.
  2. Understanding the phases of flight (taxi, take-off, landing) during which the POC will be operable.
  3. Passenger has an ample supply of fully charged batteries to power the POC for no less than 150% of flight duration and ground connection time where POC use is planned (per manufacturer's recommendation) for unanticipated delays.


Onboard Usage

  1. RJ does not have spare batteries available for passenger usage.
  2. Passenger must ensure that all extra batteries are properly protected from short circuiting by packaging the batteries so they do not contact metal objects including the terminals or other batteries.


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices (CPAP):

  • The use of this machine does not require medical clearance.


  • These devices provide breathing support for persons who cannot breathe by themselves. Passengers requiring the use of this machine in certain circumstances shall obtain prior medical clearance through the RJ Medical Centre and RJ medical advisor and shall be escorted properly by specialized medical team. All these procedures have to be arranged in good sufficient time prior to travel (72 hours at least).

Oxygen Services Supplied by Royal Jordanian:

  • If a passenger requires oxygen during the flight for medical reasons, a 72-hours’ notice prior to departure is necessary and a medical clearance should be obtained from RJ medical advisor.
  • Only Royal Jordanian approved cylinders may be used. Royal Jordanian oxygen service is provided in-flight only.
  • As per FAA, CAA regulations, carriage of personal oxygen containers is not permitted, as compressed and liquid oxygen are classified as “Dangerous Goods.”

Note: RJ Aircraft are not equipped with:

  1. Priority Space Stowage: for stowing any personal wheelchairs, mobility aids, etc.
  2. Refrigerators/chillers: For the storage of medication (insulin, etc.). Cabin crew may provide passenger with a plastic bag and ice or iced water for chilling of any medication on passenger’s own responsibility.


*Stretcher case

  • Limitations:
  1. A maximum of two stretcher cases will be accepted per flight.
  2. RJ has ONE stretcher case that fits on Embraer aircraft. Therefore, only one stretcher case on 24 hours basis shall be accepted
  3. Stretcher cases transiting QAIA should not be accepted if transit time between connecting flights exceeds 90 minutes.


Stretcher Case Reservation and notification

Stretcher cases will not be confirmed until the following conditions are met:

  • 48 hours Advance notice.
  • Medical clearance MEDIF is duly completed and approved by RJ medical advisor.
  • Confirmation by the passenger that medical assistance and transportation from airport is arranged upon arrival at final destination.
  • Stretcher case should be accompanied by safety assistant that should be capable of attending to the passenger’s in-flight medical needs.


*Sensory impairment- Deaf and Blind


  1. Passenger who are either visually impaired (BLND) or hearing impaired (DEAF) are not required to travel with safety assistance, however, they are usually accompanied by an escort or their service animals (Guide Dog or Assistance Dog)
  2. Passengers with both severe vision and hearing impairment are required to:
  • Provide a 48 hours Advance notification prior to flight departure in order to meet the required services they need;
  • Travel with a safety assistance

3. For groups of 10 or more advance notification is required 72 hours prior to flight departure for passengers that are visually impaired (BLND) and hearing impaired (DEAF) in order to meet the required services they need.


 Visually Impaired

Passenger that is visually impaired and needs assistance advance notification is preferred so that we can notify all concerned to meet and assist you and also to make advance seat reservations for you and any companions.

Please make your reservations at least 48 hours prior to departure.

However, should you arrive at the airport without a reservation within normal check-in times, please notify our ground staff and they will assist at check-in and up to the gate. On board You may alert our cabin crew so they can give you any assistance you need such as:

  • Stowing your luggage or identifying items on the aircraft Passenger Service Unit.
  • Providing you with Brill briefing or vocal safety briefings and also help you when leaving the aircraft on landing.
  • Opening packages.
  • Identifying food.
  • Assistance to/from the restroom.


Please note we are unable to provide:

  • Medical services or administration of medication
  • Assistance with eating
  • Assistance within the restroom.

If you need help finding the gate for a connection, the baggage claim areas, or checking the status of your connecting flight, one of our representatives can assist you.

If you are traveling with your service animal (service dog) we will carry it free of charge on any flight that does not exceed 8 hours flight time and provided all Health documentations and compliance with Veterinary regulations. For more information, please refer to Service Animals.


Hearing Impaired

Passenger that is hearing-impaired and needs assistance advance notification is preferred so that we can notify all concerned to meet and assist you and also to make advance seat reservations for you and any companions. Please make your reservations at least 48 hours prior to departure.

However, should you arrive at the airport without a reservation within normal check-in times, please notify our check-in agents to ensure gate agents can inform you of important announcements or in case of schedule or gate/stand changes. On board, you may alert our cabin crew so they can give keep you informed of any updates regarding flight information.

If you are traveling with your service animal (service dog) we will carry it free of charge on any flight that does not exceed 8 hours flight time and provided all Health documentations and compliance with Veterinary regulations. For more information, please refer to Service Animals.


*Service animals

Service animals accompanying passengers with disabilities are accepted on board Royal Jordanian flights free-of charge.

  • Only dogs are permitted to be carried as service animals on board Royal Jordanian flights; unusual service animals (e.g. snakes, other reptiles, ferrets, rodents and spiders) are not permitted to be carried as service animals
  • Service animal transportation shall not be denied on the basis that its carriage may offend or annoy the airline personnel or persons traveling on the aircraft.
  • The total number of Services Animals (Dogs) traveling with a single passenger with disability are two only. 


Acceptance policy

  1. Service animals are permitted on all RJ flights in passengers’ cabin to accompany the passenger with a disability at any seat in which the passenger sits, provided that:


  • The dog is harnessed and leashed.
  • The dog's veterinary and health certificates are checked for compliance with destination country regulations.
  • The dog’s transportation complies with the destination country regulations needed to permit the legal transportation of the  passenger’s service animal.
  • The dog does not obstruct an aisle or other are that must remain unobstructed to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
  • The dog remains under or near their master's seat at all times.
  • If the dog cannot be accommodated at the seat location of the passenger with a disability who is using the animal, the passenger shall be offered the opportunity to move with the animal to another seat location in the same class of service, if present on the aircraft, where the animal can be accommodated, as an alternative to requiring that the animal travel in the cargo hold.


For flights exceeding 8 hours flight time or longer, the passenger shall provide: 


  • Documentation that the animal will not need to relieve itself on the flight, or
  • The animal can relieve itself in a way that does not create a health or sanitation issue on the flight.
  • Completed hardcopy or electronic version of the Department’s “U.S Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form” as a condition of Transportation”. 


2. The following shall be accepted as evidence that the animal is a service animal:

  • Identification cards, other written documentation, presence of harnesses, tags, or,
  • Credible verbal assurances of a qualified individual with a disability using the animal.
  • For US flights only, complete and submit “U.S Department of Transportation Service Air Transportation Form”, developed by DOT, attesting to the animal’s training and good behavior, and certifying the animal’s good health.


3. If a passenger seeks to travel with an animal that is used as an emotional support or psychiatric service animal, the following shall be required to be provided by the passenger to accept the animal for transportation in the cabin: Current documentation (i.e., no older than one year from the date of the passenger’s scheduled initial flight) on the letterhead of a licensed mental health professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker) stating the following:


  • The passenger has a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM IV).
  • The passenger needs the emotional support or psychiatric service animal as an accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at the passenger’s destination.
  • The individual providing the assessment is a licensed mental health professional, and the passenger is under his or her professional care.
  • The date and type of the mental health professional’s license and the state or other jurisdiction in which it was issued.


Service animal will not be confirmed until the following conditions are met:

  • 48 hours Advance notice.
  •  Submit valid medical certificate.
  • Approval granted by RJ Medical Advisor




For more information about the Canadian Regulations for Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities
please visit CTA’s website.

If you have any Air travel complaints (flight delays, cancellations, schedule changes, lost/damaged/delayed baggage, getting bumped due to overbooking) Or Accessibility related to transportation services Please contact the Canadian Transportation Agency if you need to make the following complaints:

Royal Jordanian airlines is covered by the US Rule for Disability Non-discrimination for flights to and from US airports.

for more information, you can ask one of our team at the airport to view a copy of the Us rule or you can contact the US department of transportation:

  • Toll-Free Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities at 1-800-778-4838 (voice) or 1-800-455-9880 (TTY),
  • Aviation Consumer Protection Division at 202-366-2220 (voice) or 202-366-0511 (TTY),
  • write to the Air Consumer Protection Division:

* C-75, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE., West Building, Room W96-432, Washington, DC 20590.


For more information about the fundamental rights of air travelers with disabilities imposed by the U.S department of transportation, please check the following link: (Bill of Rights)

You may contact our SACs on the following contacts to inquire about the status of your medical clearances.

TEL: +962 6 5202408 Email: rjsacs@rj.com 

Royal Jordanian does not require a passenger with a disability to provide advance notice of the fact that he/she is traveling on a flight. However, an Advance Notice of at least 48-72 hours is required in the following cases:

1. Who requires a stretcher on board.

2. Who needs medical oxygen during the flight.

3. Whose medical condition poses reasonable doubt concerning the ability to complete flight safety procedures without being provided extraordinary medical assistance during the flight.

4. If passenger has a communicable disease or condition that could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others on the flight.

5. Who, because of certain diseases, or disability may have or develop an unusual behavior or physical condition, which may endanger or be a potential hazard to the safety of the flight, health, or materially affect the comfort of other passengers or crew.

6. Would require medical attention and/or special equipment to maintain their health during the flight.

7. Who have undergone recent complicated surgeries.

8. Passenger with complicated fracture.

9. Passenger with temporary loss of sight or hearing.

10. Intellectual disability/cerebral palsy

11. Traveling with a battery-powered respirator or ventilator, or Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POCs) where medical clearance is necessary.

12. Traveling as a group of 10 or more people with disabilities.

13. Travelling with a service animal.

14. Passengers having both severe vision and hearing impairment.



  • This procedure will not apply to passengers whose only disablement is blindness or deafness.
  • RJ cannot accommodate incubators.
  • At least a 36-hour advance notice is required for the cancellation of therapeutic oxygen and stretcher service.
  • Please advise us as early as possible if you:

Require a wheelchair.

Require any special meals.

Traveling with a service animal.

Require any Extra seat for comfort.

Require pre-reserved seating of an adjoining seat for you and your personal care attendant or safety attendant.  

A medical certificate is a written statement from the passenger’s physician saying that the passenger is capable of completing the flight without requiring extraordinary medical care during the flight.

To be valid, a medical certificate under must be dated within 10 days of the scheduled date of the passenger’s initial departing flight, and to be approved by the Medical Department/advisor of Royal Jordanian.

As a carrier, it may be required that a passenger with a medical certificate undergo additional medical review if there is a legitimate medical reason for believing that there has been a significant adverse change in the passenger's condition since the issuance of the medical certificate or that the certificate significantly understates the passenger's risk to the health of other persons on the flight.

If the results of this medical review demonstrate that the passenger, notwithstanding the medical certificate, is likely to be unable to complete the flight without requiring extraordinary medical assistance (e.g., the passenger has apparent significant difficulty in breathing, appears to be in substantial pain, etc.) or would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons on the flight, an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence to ascertain the nature , duration and severity of disease.


Medical Clearance is required for:

1. Who requires a stretcher on board.

2. Who needs medical oxygen during the flight.

3. Whose medical condition poses reasonable doubt concerning the ability to complete flight safety procedures without being provided extraordinary medical assistance during the flight.

4. If passenger has a communicable disease or condition that could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others on the flight.

5. Who, because of certain diseases, or disability may have or develop an unusual behavior or physical condition, which may endanger or be a potential hazard to the safety of the flight, health, or materially affect the comfort of other passengers or crew.

6. Would require medical attention and/or special equipment to maintain their health during the flight.

7. Who have undergone recent complicated surgeries.

8. Passenger with complicated fracture.

9. Passenger with temporary loss of sight or hearing.

10. Intellectual disability/cerebral palsy

11. Traveling with a battery-powered respirator or ventilator, or Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POCs) where medical clearance is necessary.

12. Passengers having both severe vision and hearing impairment.

Medical Clearance Issuing Procedure

1. Passengers with certain medical conditions that require individual attention are required to submit their recent updated medical reports/certificate from the treating responsible doctor in addition to RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF”.

2. RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF” must be filled completely by Passenger treating physician along with the recent diagnosis report 10 days prior to departure along with a recent medical report.

3. RJ Medical Information Sheet “MEDIF” shall be presented to Royal Jordanian Medical Advisor to obtain a Medical Clearance/Approval.


  • Royal Jordanian can deny transportation to passengers needing medical clearance, unless they meet the requirements of Royal Jordanian
  • In all cases, Royal Jordanian doctor (or a designated official representative) will make this assessment and provide a written statement to the person within ten (10) calendar days of the refusal of transportation.
  • In order to obtain such clearance, medical information must be provided and transmitted when seats are requested on the flight of another airline. Additionally, when an airline receiving a request for travel has reasonable grounds for doubt about the passenger's disability, such airline shall require medical information for clearance purposes.
  • The booking airline reservations office is responsible for coordinating the replies obtained from all carrying airlines, and for finalizing the entire transaction.
  • If the passenger accepts all of the conditions and charges, the booking airline shall finalize the transaction with the office in contact with the passenger
  • If the passenger does not accept, or if any modifications are required to existing arrangements, the booking airline shall be responsible for appropriate action. 

RJ must not require that a passenger with a disability travel with another person as a condition of being provided air transportation, Except as follows:

1. Generally, passengers who are not able to reach an emergency exit without assistance in reasonable time shall be escorted. Escort shall be physically and mentally able and willing to evacuate the disable passenger in case of an emergency.

2. Royal Jordanian may require a passenger with a disability in one of the following categories to travel with a safety assistant as a condition of being provided air transportation, if you determine that a safety assistant is essential for safety:


a. A passenger traveling in a stretcher or incubator. The safety assistant for such a person must be capable of attending to the passenger's in-flight medical needs;

b. A passenger who, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions from carrier personnel, including the safety briefing required by FAA , 14 CFR Part 382, or the safety regulations of Jordanian government, as applicable;

c. A passenger with a mobility impairment so severe that the person is unable to physically assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft

d. A passenger who has both severe hearing and severe vision impairments, if the passenger cannot establish some means of communication with RJ personnel that is adequate both to permit transmission of the safety briefing required by FAA , 14 CFR Part 382, and the safety regulations of a Jordanian government, as applicable, and to enable the passenger to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in the event of an emergency.


3. If there is no Safety Assistant travelling with passenger in order to be provided with air transportation; Check-in staff shall ask for volunteer to escort the passenger. Accordingly, when volunteer identified, check-in staff shall ask the escort to sign “Non-Medical Escort Information Form”.



  • Escorts will be given seats immediately adjacent to the passenger they are escorting. 
  • any differences of opinion among participating airlines about the need or qualification of an escort must be resolved by the medical section concerned.

There is no restriction on the number of passengers with disability that can be carried, except where required for safety reasons or if applicable government safety regulations limit such numbers.

PRM shall not normally be restricted to any particular cabin or seating areas. They shall not be allocated; neither occupy seats where their presence could:

1. Impede the emergency evacuation of aircraft.

2. Impede access to the emergency exits.

3. Impede crews in their duties

4. Obstruct access to emergency equipment

Pre-reserved Seating

Pre-reserved seating is open 240 days and up to 36 hours prior to departure on RJ operating flights up to 60% of aircraft capacity. There are certain seats that are restricted for the use of mothers traveling with infants, stretchers, unaccompanied minors.

In case of schedule changes that involve airplane or in case of seat map change, your preserved seats will be reallocated to the location initially reserved. However, as airplane seat layouts may differ, no guarantees are offered to re-allocating your pre-reserved seating to the same row/location.

Pre-reserved seats (if no airplane or seat map changes occur) are held until the minimum check-in time per Airport/cabin-of-travel/route. Seats are cancelled if Passengers do not Check-in MIN 60 MINS on US flights and 45 MINS on other flights prior to scheduled departure For passengers with a disability traveling with another passenger that is assisting them in-flight

as a safety or care attendant, seats may be arranged side-by-side.

If you are traveling with a fixed or immobilized leg, it is preferable to notify us as early as possible so that we can pre-reserve the most appropriate left or right aisle or window seat for your comfort.

Emergency Exit Seats

In the interest of safety, emergency exit seats and emergency exit locations should not be occupied by passengers that are unable to carry emergency procedures when required to do so by cabin attendants.

Children/infants/ pregnant/senior citizen/passengers-with-disabilities and passengers accompanying children/infants are not permitted to be seated at emergency exits seats or emergency exit location.

Bulkhead seats

An advance seat assignment may be arranged for any passenger traveling with a disability; please identify your seating preference when you make your reservation or at check-in.

On the day of departure, Passengers with a fixed or immobilized leg may identify their request for bulkhead seats, left or right aisle seats, in order to be give priority for them over other passengers that are not accompanied with infants.

We have wheelchairs available for use at airport locations.

Request this service when making reservations or upon arrival at the airport notify one of our passenger services personnel that you require a wheelchair for transportation to the departure gate.

  • Wheelchair for Ramp (WCHR) - Passenger can walk but requires wheelchair for distance to/from departure gate

  • Wheelchair for Stairs (WCHS) - Sometimes stairways are used for boarding instead of jet ways and loading bridges. If you are unable to ascend or descend steps, let us know, and we will provide an alternative boarding method.

  • Wheelchair for Cabin (WCHC) - Passengers needs wheel chair to/from cabin seat and lounge (WCHC)

Wheelchair Handling

1.Royal Jordanian aircraft are equipped with specially designed wheelchairs for mobility-impaired customers referred to as “Aisle Wheelchairs” that can be used to assist disabled passengers in boarding, moving to/from the lavatory and deplaning an airplane.

2.Passengers requiring an onboard wheelchair to be used in-flight, should request this service from reservation at least 48 hours prior to departure.

3.Royal Jordanian shall endeavor to make available at all stations, wheelchairs for boarding/disembarking purposes and within airport facilities, before departure, during intermediate stops and on arrival.

4.Passengers who intend to check-in their own wheelchair shall be given the option of using a station/airport wheelchair. If the passengers prefer to use their own wheelchair within the airport, they should be permitted to use it up to the aircraft door


  • These special wheelchairs (Aisle Wheelchairs) cannot be used outside aircraft, but arrangements can be made for an airport chair at disembarkation or any connecting point.

  • Our flight attendants are trained to assist you with operating this wheelchair to and from airplane lavatories but they will not provide any assistance inside the lavatory or lift and carry you.

Transportation and Stowage of Personal Wheelchairs

1.Storage facilities for passengers traveling with their own wheelchairs are not available in the cabin of Royal Jordanian aircraft. Therefore, the wheelchair or assistive device will be loaded in the baggage compartments with priority over other cargo and baggage, where it is easily accessible for timely return to the passenger.

2.Royal Jordanian accept stowage of the following types of personal wheelchairs, mobility aids and other assistive devices in the cargo compartment if these items fit in the baggage compartment and are in consistent with FAA, PHMSA, TSA or applicable foreign government requirements concerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respect to the stowage of items in the baggage compartment need be transported:

a.Folding, collapsible, and non-folding manual wheelchairs

b. Electric/battery-powered wheelchairs provided that spillable batteries can be disconnected and packed in compliance with IATA Dangerous Goods Manual and FAA or PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) and TSA (Transportation Security Administration) safety and security regulations. (Refer to Passenger Handling Manual section 2.5.5 - Handling of Power Driven Wheelchairs as Checked Baggage).

3. Royal Jordanian shall provide for the checking and timely return of passengers' wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and other assistive devices as close as possible to the door of the aircraft, so that passengers may use their own equipment to the extent possible, except:

a. Where this practice would be inconsistent with Local regulations governing transportation security or the transportation of hazardous materials

b. When the passenger requests the return of the items at the baggage claim area instead of at the door of the aircraft.

1.   Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs)

2.   Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices (CPAP)

3.   Respirators/Ventilators

4.   Oxygen Services Supplied by Royal Jordanian

The above FAA-approved personal electronic respiratory assistive devices are allowed to be carried and used in cabin provided that:

1.    Passenger is having sufficient battery supply to last for 1.5 times the flight duration. The extra batteries carried onboard must be packed in accordance with safety regulations (Positive and Negative Terminals of the battery must not be in contact and should be stored in separate plastic bags).

2.   Having a manufacturer label stating that it complies with applicable FAA requirements for portable electronic medical devices.


Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs):

A Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to a patient at substantially concentration than the level of ambient air. It makes it easy for the patient to travel freely.

Passengers require using POCs onboard need medical approval of RJ Medical department/advisor before traveling.

Portable Oxygen Concentrators such as those mentioned below are approved for air travel and use in the aircraft cabin by the FAA:

- AirSep LifeStyle - RTCA sticker required

- AirSep FreeStyle

- AirSep Free Style 5

- AirSep FOCUS

- Inogen One

- Inogen G2

- Inogen One G3

- Invo Labs LifeChoice Activeox

- Oxlife Independence

- Precision Medical EasyPluse

- SeQual Eclipse models 1, 2 and 3

Regulations forbid the carriage of personal oxygen units that contain compressed or liquid oxygen, as they are classified as Hazardous Materials.



Travel Requirements and Restrictions

To travel using a POC, passenger must have a signed, written statement from physician clarifying their need for this item. This written statement must be kept with him/her at all times during their journey.

Prior to boarding, the passenger must present the Physician's written statement to an airline representative to ensure:

1. The passenger is able to operate the POC and recognize and respond appropriately to its alarm.

2. Understanding the phases of flight (taxi, take-off, landing) during which the POC will be operable.

3. Passenger has an ample supply of fully charged batteries to power the POC for no less than 150% of flight duration and ground connection time where POC use is planned (per manufacturer's recommendation) for unanticipated delays.


Onboard Usage

1. RJ does not have spare batteries available for passenger usage.

2. Passenger must ensure that all extra batteries are properly protected from short circuiting by packaging the batteries so they do not contact metal objects including the terminals or other batteries.


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices (CPAP):

The use of this machine does not require medical clearance.


These devices provide breathing support for persons who cannot breathe by themselves. Passengers requiring the use of this machine in certain circumstances shall obtain prior medical clearance through the RJ Medical Centre and RJ medical advisor and shall be escorted properly by specialized medical team. All these procedures have to be arranged in good sufficient time prior to travel (72 hours at least).

Oxygen Services Supplied by Royal Jordanian:

If a passenger requires oxygen during the flight for medical reasons, a 72-hours’ notice prior to departure is necessary and a medical clearance should be obtained from RJ medical advisor.

Only Royal Jordanian approved cylinders may be used. Royal Jordanian oxygen service is provided in-flight only.

As per FAA, CAA regulations, carriage of personal oxygen containers is not permitted, as compressed and liquid oxygen are classified as “Dangerous Goods.”


RJ Aircraft are not equipped with:

1. Priority Space Stowage: for stowing any personal wheelchairs, mobility aids, etc.

2. Refrigerators/chillers: For the storage of medication (insulin, etc.). Cabin crew may provide passenger with a plastic bag and ice or iced water for chilling of any medication on passenger’s own responsibility.


1. A maximum of two stretcher cases will be accepted per flight.

2. RJ has ONE stretcher case that fits on Embraer aircraft. Therefore, only one stretcher case on 24 hours basis shall be accepted

3. Stretcher cases transiting QAIA should not be accepted if transit time between connecting flights exceeds 90 minutes.


Stretcher Case Reservation and notification

Stretcher cases will not be confirmed until the following conditions are met:

-         48 hours Advance notice.

-         Medical clearance MEDIF is duly completed and approved by RJ medical advisor.

-         Confirmation by the passenger that medical assistance and transportation from airport is arranged upon arrival at final destination.

-         Stretcher case should be accompanied by safety assistant that should be capable of attending to the passenger’s in-flight medical needs.


1. Passenger who are either visually impaired (BLND) or hearing impaired (DEAF) are not required to travel with safety assistance, however, they are usually accompanied by an escort or their service animals (Guide Dog or Assistance Dog)

2. Passengers with both severe vision and hearing impairment are required to:

- Provide a 48 hours Advance notification prior to flight departure in order to meet the required services they need;

- Travel with a safety assistance

3. For groups of 10 or more advance notification is required 72 hours prior to flight departure for passengers that are visually impaired (BLND) and hearing impaired (DEAF) in order to meet the required services they need.

 Visually Impaired

Passenger that is visually impaired and needs assistance advance notification is preferred so that we can notify all concerned to meet and assist you and also to make advance seat reservations for you and any companions.

Please make your reservations at least 48 hours prior to departure.

However, should you arrive at the airport without a reservation within normal check-in times, please notify our ground staff and they will assist at check-in and up to the gate. On board You may alert our cabin crew so they can give you any assistance you need such as:

-         Stowing your luggage or identifying items on the aircraft Passenger Service Unit.

-         Providing you with Brill briefing or vocal safety briefings and also help you when leaving the aircraft on landing.

-         Opening packages.

-         Identifying food.

-         Assistance to/from the restroom.

Please note: we are unable to provide:

-         Medical services or administration of medication

-         Assistance with eating

-         Assistance within the restroom.

If you need help finding the gate for a connection, the baggage claim areas, or checking the status of your connecting flight, one of our representatives can assist you.

If you are traveling with your service animal (service dog) we will carry it free of charge on any flight that does not exceed 8 hours flight time and provided all Health documentations and compliance with Veterinary regulations. For more information, please refer to Service Animals.

Hearing Impaired

Passenger that is hearing-impaired and needs assistance advance notification is preferred so that we can notify all concerned to meet and assist you and also to make advance seat reservations for you and any companions. Please make your reservations at least 48 hours prior to departure.

However, should you arrive at the airport without a reservation within normal check-in times, please notify our check-in agents to ensure gate agents can inform you of important announcements or in case of schedule or gate/stand changes. On board, you may alert our cabin crew so they can give keep you informed of any updates regarding flight information.

If you are traveling with your service animal (service dog) we will carry it free of charge on any flight that does not exceed 8 hours flight time and provided all Health documentations and compliance with Veterinary regulations. For more information, please refer to Service Animals.

Only recognised assistance dogs are permitted to be carried as service animals on board Royal Jordanian flights; unusual service animals (e.g. snakes, other reptiles, ferrets, rodents and spiders) are not permitted to be carried as service animals.

The passenger must have an official document (certificate) proving the official training and recognition as an assistance dog.

Service animals accompanying passengers with disabilities are accepted on board Royal Jordanian flights free-of-charge.

Service animal transportation shall not be denied on the basis that its carriage may offend or annoy the airline personnel or persons traveling on the aircraft.

The total number of Services Animals (Dogs) traveling with a single passenger with disability are two only.


Acceptance policy

 1. Service animals are permitted on all RJ flights in passengers’ cabin to accompany the passenger with a disability at any seat in which the passenger sits, provided that:

  1. The dog is harnessed and leashed.
  2. The dog's veterinary and health certificates are checked for compliance with destination country regulations.
  3. The dog’s transportation complies with the destination country regulations needed to permit the legal transportation of the  passenger’s service animal.
  4. The dog does not obstruct an aisle or other are that must remain unobstructed to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
  5. The dog remains under or near their master's seat at all times.
  6. If the dog cannot be accommodated at the seat location of the passenger with a disability who is using the animal, the passenger shall be offered the opportunity to move with the animal to another seat location in the same class of service, if present on the aircraft, where the animal can be accommodated, as an alternative to requiring that the animal travel in the cargo hold.
  7. For flights exceeding 8 hours flight time or longer, the passenger shall provide: 
  • Documentation that the animal will not need to relieve itself on the flight, or 
  • The animal can relieve itself in a way that does not create a health or sanitation issue on the flight.
  • Completed hardcopy or electronic version of the Department’s “U.S Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form” as a condition of Transportation”. 

2. The following shall be accepted as evidence that the animal is a service animal:

  • Identification cards, other written documentation, presence of harnesses, tags, or,
  • Credible verbal assurances of a qualified individual with a disability using the animal. 
  • For US flights only, complete and submit “U.S Department of Transportation Service Air Transportation Form”, developed by DOT, attesting to the animal’s training and good behavior, and certifying the animal’s good health.

3. If a passenger seeks to travel with an animal that is used as an emotional support or psychiatric service animal, the following shall be required to be provided by the passenger to accept the animal for transportation in the cabin: Current documentation (i.e., no older than one year from the date of the passenger’s scheduled initial flight) on the letterhead of a licensed mental health professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker) stating the following:

  • The passenger has a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM IV).
  • The passenger needs the emotional support or psychiatric service animal as an accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at the passenger’s destination.
  • The individual providing the assessment is a licensed mental health professional, and the passenger is under his or her professional care.
  • The date and type of the mental health professional’s license and the state or other jurisdiction in which it was issued.


*Service animal will not be confirmed until the following conditions are met:

            - 48 hours Advance notice.

            - Submit valid medical certificate.

            - Approval granted by RJ Medical Advisor



Passengers traveling to USA with Dog/ Service Animal:

Effective 14th of July 2021, CDC is Temporarily Suspending the Importation of Dogs from:

  1. Countries classified by CDC as high risk for dog rabies (Jordan).
  2. Countries NOT at high risk if the dogs have been in a high-risk country during the previous six months.

These rules apply to all dogs including Puppies, Service Animals, and Emotional Support Dogs whether accepted as Hand-carried, Checked-in as Passenger Baggage, and Transported as Cargo.

Moreover, these rules also apply whether passenger just visiting the United States with his/her dog, importing dogs into the United States, or traveling out of the United States and returning with his/her dog after a temporary visit, such as a vacation or holiday, or for visiting friends and relatives.

CDC may grant advanced written approval (CDC Dog Import Permit) permitting the importation of fully rabies-immunized dogs, 6 months or older, from a high-risk country. Accordingly, to be eligible to apply for a CDC Dog Import Permit, the importer must be:

  1. A US government employee with permanent change of station or temporary duty orders.
  2. A US citizen or lawful US resident relocating to the United States, such as for employment or education; or
  3. An owner of a service dog that is specifically trained to assist a person with a disability.

Dogs with CDC Import Permits must enter the United States at a port of entry with a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)-issued live animal care facility with a Facilities Information and Resource Management System (FIRMS) code, which currently is only available at the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. (Not available in Detroit and Chicago).

Each eligible importer may be permitted to bring in a maximum of 3 personal pet dogs one time during the temporary suspension. Institutions requesting to import more than 3 dogs may apply to do so for the purposes of science, education, or exhibition as defined in 42 CFR 71.50, or for bona fide law enforcement activities.

-         Complete your travel plans and purchase your ticket

-         Have your treating physician complete the “RJ MEDICAL REPORT FOR AIR TRAVEL” form.

-         The medical certificate should be dated within 10days from your departure flight.

-         The medical certificate should specify:

i. any conditions or precautions we must take to prevent the transmission of the disease/infection and

ii. specify the medical requirements needed on board (oxygen etc)

iii. When you are not traveling as a stretcher, “ability to travel with seat in upright position, fasten seat belt and to complete the flight safely without the need for extraordinary medical assistance”.


-         Accept a telephone confirmation from our “SACs” to confirm receiving the completed Forms

-         On the date of your flight, please present your self 1 hour before the check-in time published to the general public. Please carry all completed/approved forms and any related approvals/documentation (e.g. Oxygen forms, etc). Certificates to confirm the need for oxygen during the flight and your receipts Oxygen Service (if applicable).

We will make all efforts to accommodate your needs whilst considering the health and safety of other passengers.


Below conditions are generally not accepted for travel on Royal Jordanian:

-         Contagious and Communicable Disease or condition that could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others on the flight

-         Unstable or severe mental illness without escort and suitable medication.

-         Uncontrolled seizures unless properly managed and medically accompanied.

-         Infants within 7 days of birth.


Post Operative Case: (according to the type and nature of the surgical operation; to be assessed by RJ medical Advisor according to the severity of the medical situation of every patient).

Our CCROs have been specially trained and are fully aware of the US Department of Transport disability regulations.

To contact our CROs, please use any of the following contacts 24x7

• Tel in the USA 1-844 807 3690 (Toll Free line)

• Tel +962 6 51-00000 outside USA

• Tel-New York City 1212 949-0060 ext. 4089 or crnyc@rj.com and jfkkzrj@rj.com

• Tel-Detroit 1313 670 6953 or dtwkzrj@rj.com

• Tel-Chicago 1224 539 8300 ext. 4156 or ordkkrj@rj.com; chitsrj@rj.com

• E-mail ammsnrj@rj.com

To obtain a copy of part 382, you may obtain it from the Department of Transport through the following means:


Aviation Consumer Protection Division’s Web site


Or in writing at Air Consumer Protection Division, C–75, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200

New Jersey Ave., SE. West Building, Room W96–432, Washington, DC 20590

To file a complaint, to the US Department of Transport (“DOT”) use the following addresses:


Aviation Consumer Protection Division’s Web site


Telephone 1–800–778–4838 (voice) 1–800–455–9880 (TTY) 202–366–2220 (voice) 202–366–0511 (TTY)